This morning, my mom walked into my room at 6:45 AM with two glasses of chai. She sat on the edge of my bed and gave me a loving look accompanied by an endearing, "Your room is a mess." Mess is an understatement. My room is an amalgamation of dorm unpacking and Africa packing.
Just a few hours after my mom's tea surprise, Hannah Schmitt came to my house to, essentially, watch me pack. She has been a best friend of mine since 8th grade and she wanted to be able to see my face before I leave. With Hannah, I ran around Schaumburg and Barrington dropping $$$$ everywhere in preparation for the trip. Having her around was really stellar because in between finals at the end of the term, packing my dormitory, and packing for Africa, I haven't had a time to breathe. Her presence calmed me. If you know her, then you definitely know what I'm talking about. I even got to video chat with Ally and Isolina, my other pillars in my life. I'll be thinking about them while on this trip.
On a more relevant note --
Things to pack:
- white v-neck shirts
- cargo pants
- quick dry towel
- I just got too lazy to actually complete the entire list. But I'm sure that as the entries ensue, the necessities I packed will eventually come to light.
My 7 lb maltese poodle just snuggled against my thigh as I'm typing. He can fit in my suitcase.... I am becoming eager/excited/nervous/optimistic/all of the adjectives for the next few hours. My next post will likely be from Kenya (I arrive there on Saturday) and I will be sure to include pictures of my city tour around Amsterdam and my arrival in Nairobi.
Also, I bought the most hideous shoes today.
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